UCB’s interactions with healthcare professionals are a vital component of ensuring that UCB delivers innovative medicines to patients. These interactions, consistent with the PhRMA Code on Interactions with Healthcare Professionals, take on many forms, including clinical trial participation, consulting and advisory services, and on-going informational exchanges. Learn more about our clinical trial transparency.
UCB is fully committed to collecting and reporting accurate interactions with healthcare professionals on a consistent and ongoing basis. In the case that a previously unreported interaction is discovered or there is an inaccuracy in the reporting, we will update this report.
Since August 1, 2013, U.S. federal law has required pharmaceutical, biological, and medical device companies to track and report such interactions to the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS). The first Open Payments disclosure report was publicly posted September 30, 2014, on the CMS website.
To search UCB Physician Payment Reports, please visit the Open Payments website here:
We also recognize local governments may have additional disclosure requirements. UCB is committed to complying with all state transparency and disclosure requirements and submits annual reports on its interactions with health care professionals and organizations as required. As new industry and government standards emerge, UCB will continue to ensure that our policies are in alignment.