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A Different Perspective on Clinical Studies

In this excerpt, Mitch Herndon, Patient Engagement Lead for UCB’s Global Clinical Sciences & Operations, talks about the importance of incorporating the patient perspective into clinical research studies. Read the full article on LinkedIn




The Pros and Cons of a Clinical Research Study

Today, we’re taking a deeper dive into some of the benefits and potential disadvantages of participating in a clinical research study. These points should be used in conjunction with advice from a healthcare professional when considering if participation in a clinical research study is right for you. 




4 Phases of Clinical Research Studies

In case you missed it, last week we covered the basics of clinical research but there is a lot more to how a drug eventually makes it to patients. In fact, only 12 percent of medicines that enter clinical research will ever make it to patients.1




Clinical Research 101

Whether it is discovering a therapy that could work for an individual patient faster or finding new ways to treat the root cause of a disease, at UCB, we are committed to continuing to unlock the science to improve the lives of patients.




Resources for Traveling with a Chronic Illness

At UCB, we strive to support patients to live their best lives possible, and we know getting time away from home for summer vacation or other travel needs is part of life. Whether you live with a chronic illness, are a caregiver for someone who lives with a chronic illness, or not - traveling can be stressful. However, for many people living with a chronic illness, special considerations are needed during travel, and it can be particularly challenging when you must travel with medicines. Fortunately, with a little planning, you can decrease the hassle, reduce your stress, and enjoy your trip. 




Insurance Tips and Resources for Managing your Plan

It’s that time of the year again. Open enrollment for insurance has closed, and it is time to start using your new 2018 plans. Sometimes, understanding your health coverage and planning for your healthcare needs can be challenging.