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    Katelyn Snider, U.S. Communications and Public Affairs
    Breaking the Silence on Osteoporosis

    It is estimated that a fragility fracture occurs every 3 seconds— totaling nearly 9 million fractures annually, worldwide. Oftentimes people think fragile bones are an inevitable part of getting older. But a broken hip or bone may more commonly be the result of an underlying condition: osteoporosis. So common that by the time you finish reading the title of this post, a fragility fracture due to osteoporosis has occurred.

    Osteoporosis is often called a ‘silent disease’ because there are no symptoms or pain until a fracture occurs. That’s why this World Osteoporosis Day, we’re joining the global community in not only honoring those affected by this disease, but also helping to spread awareness. Learn More:

    • Get to know Osteoporosis with these 5 facts.
    • Survey Insights: Findings reveal less than half of respondents said their healthcare professional had spoken to them about osteoporosis or fragility fractures and the impact of fractures due to osteoporosis is being ignored.1
    • Giving back and helping those within our communities affected by osteoporosis and/or fragility fractures: Today, our employees are volunteering with Rebuilding Together® in Atlanta, Philadelphia, and Seattle for home and senior center rebuild projects. Recently, we joined Rebuilding Together Silicon Valley and other area organizations to work on the home of fracture patient, Marilyn, in San Jose, California. Repairs to her home helps to reduce her risk of falls and enable her to continue activities of daily living. 

    This World Osteoporosis Day we invite you to help us break the silence. Follow us throughout the day on Twitter and use the hashtag #WorldOsteoporosisDay to spread the word about osteoporosis. And if you may be at risk, talk to your doctor and encourage others to do so too.  

    1. https://www.ucb.com/stories-media/Press-Releases/article/The-impact-of-fragility-fractures-due-to-osteoporosis-is-being-ignored 

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