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  • Casey Stephan, U.S. Communications
    UCB+ as an Advocate for All

    While many have felt the impact of the current environment, the members of UCB+, our employee resource group for the LGBTQ+ community and allies in UCB, recognize this time as an opportunity to lead. In commemoration of the 50th Atlanta Pride celebration, we’re pleased to share a little more about UCB+. 

    UCB+ leverages events such as participating in pride parades and engaging with employees to promote exposure of the resource group. UCB had originally planned to fly rainbow pride flags at all U.S facilities for pride month in June, but when COVID-19 caused U.S facilities to close, the group had to become more creative. Instead of flying the flag at empty sites, UCB+ created a screen saver of the pride flag to appear on all U.S employee’s computers to both celebrate pride and acknowledge the Black Lives Matter Movement. 

    “This is an opportunity for us to become more intentional advocates for everyone in our community. UCB+ meant what we said on our Pride Month screen saver—there cannot be true pride without justice and equality for all. This has honestly been a good time for the group to press pause and evaluate how we can make a meaningful impact moving forward,” co-leader of UCB+, Kaitlyn Findley said.  

    The official mission statement of the group reads “We aim to contribute towards an open, inclusive and safe environment for the LGBTQ+ community and allies in UCB, where everyone feels equal and valued regardless of their sexual orientation and gender expression,” but co-leader Billy Frye, explains that this group serves a broader purpose – to bring awareness and visibility of the diversity within UCB. “If we aspire to be a diverse company, we need to recognize and celebrate where we are diverse,” Frye said. 

    Members of UCB+ continue to participate in LGTBQ+ events such as the recent virtual Georgia Diversity Council Unity Summit. In addition, UCB+ hosted a virtual happy hour for members to discuss the importance of the group, increasing engagement, and LGTBQ+ history. At this year’s 50th Atlanta Pride celebration, UCB was a sponsor of the event and hosted a booth to share more about UCB+ and our commitment to diversity. 

    Each day the members of UCB+ celebrate their pride by being their authentic and true selves no matter the circumstances. UCB+ welcomes all UCB employees to join in and support the LGTBQ+ community within UCB. 

    See UCB’s celebration of Atlanta Pride on page 125 of Atlanta Magazine’s 50 Years of Pride

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