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  • Dr. Jeffrey Stark, Head of Medical Immunology, U.S.
    UCB Women’s Health Fellowship Program

    As the nationwide shortage of rheumatologists continues, UCB would like to encourage the development of future Thought Leaders in key areas of unmet need. By creating additional training opportunities for current rheumatology fellows, UCB hopes specifically to increase women’s health expertise in the rheumatology community. This program will support the year-long training of up to three rheumatology fellows ($100,000 each) with a specialized focus on women’s health-related issues, specifically in the context of inflammatory diseases.  

    UCB would like to provide sponsorship through the institutes of training. Institutions receiving support from this program will select a second-year rheumatology fellow recipient with interest in pursuing an additional year of study focused on women with inflammatory diseases. To receive an application, please use the following email address: WomensHealthFellowship@ucb.com and request an application.  At the completion of the program, trainees would enter the rheumatology workforce not only with core clinical skills, but with additional specialized education on women’s health-related issues. Fellows will be invited to share their experience from their year of training.   
    The application deadline has been extended to November 13, 2020, and recipients will be selected on November 18, 2020.

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