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  • New Open Innovation Challenge to Rethink Post-Fracture Care

    This Osteoporosis Awareness Month, UCB is pleased to collaborate with OpenIDEO , an open innovation platform, to launch the new Healthy Bones, Healthy Aging Challenge.

    For the Challenge, OpenIDEO and UCB are asking innovative thinkers inside and outside healthcare to reimagine solutions to address the question:

    Too often people think fractures due to fragile bones are an inevitable part of aging. But a broken hip or bone may more commonly be the result of an underlying condition: osteoporosis. Fragility fractures can make everyday activities like walking, preparing meals, or bathing difficult. For those who suffer a hip fracture, 40% are not able to walk independently again. As such, preventing fractures in older adults is an important part of preserving independence and quality of life of our loved ones as they age. Check out Marilyn’s story to learn more about the patient experience living with osteoporosis.

    At UCB, we believe supporting organizations and entrepreneurs working to design solutions that might help patients achieve their goals is one way we can deliver value for those living with osteoporosis. Together with OpenIDEO, we hope to create impact and develop tangible solutions that can be supported or integrated into long-term work after the Challenge ends.

    Selected innovations may have the opportunity to be piloted in partnership with hospitals for patients who need post-fracture care.

    If you’re interested in participating or learning more about the Healthy Bones, Healthy Aging Challenge, check out OpenIDEO’s Challenge Brief. UCB looks forward to the innovative ideas to come and ultimately the progress that will be made to better the lives of patients with osteoporosis.

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